Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this film being made?

Little has been written or highlighted about the impact of the steel industry on communities and it's workforce since the collapse of many large steel employers.  This film is intended to provide both an historical overview and a chance to bring real people and their stories to light as a representation of the men and women who have worked for the steel industry and contributed their labor to our Nation.

Why is Stark County, OH chosen as the backdrop of this story?

While there were once many US towns hosting steel manufacturing, Stark County has an abundance of history, geography and natural resources that factored into the growth of steel in America.  There are many locations that share the ups and downs, however Stark County, OH provides a magnified look at both the industry and the lives of the workforce impacted by the industrial revolution, immigration by those seeking jobs and a better way of life,  and the evolution of steel manufacturing. 

Is Stark Men of Steel being funded by any Company, Political Party, Union or PAC?

NO! While the copyright belongs to Bestfriend Productions LLC., the story represented in the documentary is 100% independent. Those who work on the film are volunteers or contract professionals.  

Local libraries, companies, and museums have provided historical information and photos.  We are grateful to these institutions for their support.  

We are self-funded and accept donations from individuals or non-profit foundations only without bias and without any promise of a quid pro quo. Any funding from organizations or individuals will be listed on this site. At this time, no monetary support has been accepted. We will not interact or interface with any known hate group.